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True or False Quiz for the Did you know from 11 to 15


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1 / 10

What is the food source of ticks?


2 / 10

In which areas do Cory's shearwaters usually feed?

On the beach and the shore

3 / 10

What two types of ticks exist?

Big and Small

4 / 10

What do the isotopes of lake minerals tell us about?

Past climate

5 / 10

The Cory's shearwater isn't related to albatrosses

6 / 10

Hard ticks have armour

7 / 10

How many kilometres can Cory's shearwaters travel per year?

Between 1000 and 5000 km

8 / 10

How long can seabirds live for?

No more than 10 years

9 / 10

To which family do soft ticks belong?


10 / 10

How old is the albatross named Wisdom?

70 years

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